This is why I enjoy it here

Tänään B, D ja J lähti takaisin kotiin ja fiilikset on vähän haikeat. Ennen kun päästettiin toi perhe pitkälle automatkalleen tehtiin kuitenkin kaikilta kesäleireiltä ja koulusta tuttu juttu, eli kirjotettiin paperille jokaisesta jotain positiivista. Mun paperi näytti tältä: What I like about Marissa: "Marissa is energetic and mature. She is happy and delightful and has a very lovely smile that makes you feel better. She is open and listens and talks with you. She is caring and is always keen to help. She is adventurous and has lots of good energy! :)" "Marrisa is kind, loving and very adventurous and likes to be fit. She makes dinner very good, and when we tell her what we like she makes it someday." "I also like her for comeing to scary rides with me even upsidedown rolocoasters (roller coasters) like Cyclone. I always whant to be her partna (partner) as well" "I lic Marissa adoat dowing joging" (I like Marissa about doing j...